Conclusion T he results indicate Fn adhesin could mediate adherence of Candida albicans to epithelial cells.
——期刊摘选Gram - negative becillus. fungi, gram - positive bacillus , escherichia coli , candida albicans , guam - positive coccus accounted for 56.1 % , 29.3 % , 14.6 %, 26.8 %, 22.0 % , 12.7 % , respectively.
培养出革兰氏阴性杆菌56.1%, 真菌29.3%, 革兰氏阳性球菌14.6%. 其中大肠埃希菌26.8%, 白假丝酵母22.0%,阴沟肠杆菌12.7%.
互联网Objective : To study on the relationship between candida albicans ( CA ), candida dubliniensis ( CD ) , other non - albicans candida species and oral lichen planus ( OLP ).
目的: 阐明口腔扁平苔藓 ( Orallichenplanus,OLP ) 与白色念珠菌 ( candida albicans,CA ) 关系同时,明确其与非白念致病性念珠菌关系.
互联网Conclusion Rabbit fungal keratitis model of Candida albicans can be built successfully with epikeratophakia.
互联网Candida albicans C. albicans and other fungi an important human and veterinary pathogens.
互联网Most of the bacteria is staphylococus and candida albicans in the detected gram - positive bacteria ( 74.5 % ) .
这3083株病原菌中, 革兰 氏阳性菌占检出菌的 74.5%,以葡萄球菌和白色念珠菌占多数.
互联网Pairs of fungi such as Candida albicans inhibit.
互联网Objective To build a rabbit fungal keratitis model of Candida albicans with epikeratophakia.
互联网Genotype analysis of 147 miconazole - sensitive candida albicans isolates and 60 miconazole - resistant isolates was conducted with ERIC - PCR method.
ERIC -PCR 指纹方法比较147株白色念珠菌咪康唑敏感株及60株咪康唑耐药株的基因型.
互联网Membrane transporters associated with drug resistance in Candida albicans are reviewed in this article.
互联网Yeasts took up 82.7 % , mainly including Candida albicans ( 50.0 % ) and Candida tropicalis ( 23.1 % ).
其中酵母类真菌为43株 ( 82.7% ),曲霉菌为9株 ( 17.3% ).
互联网Objective To assess the genotypic characteristics of Candida albicans isolates from different oral mucosal disease patients.
互联网Results The isolation rate of Candida albicans was predominant , accounting for 57.6 %.
互联网Candida albicans was sensitive to all tested drugs.
互联网The approaches to identify Candida dubliniensis from Candida albicans are reviewed.
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